Noetic Science: Your thoughts are worth more than a penny

Haven't we come across motivational quotes that keep telling us to change our mindset or the way we think? Each time we have shrugged this off assuming that as long as our work is done, what is the need to change our whole mindset. 

However our thoughts play a much important role in the field of science.

More specifically, Noetic Science.


Noetic Science is a field of science that strays from the ordinary. It is based on the principle that our consciousness affects the physical world. It is a study of the fields of the human consciousness, spirituality, telepathy, telekinesis and healing. Due to this, noetic science is not categorized under "conventional science".

The word "noetic", in greek means "mental". The main centre for Noetic Science is the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), in America. It was founded by Edgar Mitchell and Paul Temple.

Edgar Mitchell was a navy officer, aviator, test pilot, ufologist, aeronautical engineer, as well as a NASA astronaut. He was born in 1930. He also happens to be the sixth person to walk on the moon. After retiring from NASA, he became one of the founders of the IONS ( Institute of Noetic Sciences) along with the investor Paul Nathaniel Temple Jr..

During his Apollo 14 journey, he is said to have a paranormal experience due to which he conducted paranormal experiments with his friends when back on earth. He recorded the observations of these experiments in his book "Journal of Parapsychology" which was published in 1971. He passed away in 2016.

IONS: The Institute of Noetic Sciences, also known as IONS, has been making continuous progress in this branch of science. It has been 50 years since the institute was founded and has always been very interactive with the general public, by having a website that showcase books written by their scientists on noetic science, as well as webinars and making their discoveries as open to the interested members of the public, as possible.

The IONS has made it very clear that one of their many objectives is to explore the spiritual being in humans, and has published many articles and novels related to the same.

One of the many experiments of the IONS included a large-scale replica of a mind-photon interference. It has even studied the effects of Virtual Reality on our minds and has published an article on the topic.

The IONS, from the day it was founded has shown to mankind that there is something new to discover every single day.

The IONS has made many projects which included the psychological and parapsychological effects of meditation, yoga, lucid dreaming, telekinesis etc.

In 1994, it recorded a documentary "The Heart of Healing", which was six hours long, and it has a semi-annual newscast "The Noetic Post" and a quarterly magazine from 2003 to 2009 called "Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness".

It recorded some documentaries later including "Who we are", which explored more questions mankind usually questions life about.

Let's hope that more discoveries are made in this field and that mankind finally has most of his questions related to life answered as soon as possible.



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